Picture by Alexander De Leon Battista CC BY-SA 2.0

12th GLOBAL FRANCHISE FORUMUnlock the Potential of International Franchise Expansion! October 29-31, 2024  Lisboa, PortugalJoin the 12th Global Franchise Forum, presented by Franchise Pool International. This exclusive event is designed for ambitious entrepreneurs and franchisors looking to expand internationally.Key Highlights:1. Industry Ins...

FPI works together with the successful Danish company Sunset Boulevard, which has had a fantastic development measured in terms of revenue, profit and, not least, brand value and market position. In 2023 alone, revenue growth in Denmark alone has been 35%. November 2, 2023  Sunset Boulevard collaborates with FranchiseHub, which is the Danish p...

11th GLOBAL FRANCHISE FORUMUnlock the Potential of International Franchise Expansion! November 9-10, 2023  International Expo Center, Frankfurt, Germany  Join the 11th Global Franchise Forum, presented by Franchise Pool International in cooperation with the German Franchise Expo (FEX). This exclusive event is designed for ambitious entrep...

Nurse Next Door Announces England Master Franchise Agreement marks global home care brand's entry into European market VANCOUVER, BC, June 7, 2023 /CNW/ - Vancouver-based home care franchisor, Nurse Next Door, has awarded its master franchise rights for England to entrepreneurs Prash and Karen Patel. The company currently operates more than 300 fra...

YB Network is founded in Denmark and is the largest chain of YachtBrokers in Scandinavia with a professional organization focused on internationalization and expansion, has found a master for Sweden with help from Franchise Pool International. YachtBroker is a well-established broker with 20 years of experience, already represented in 7 countries a...

FPI's UK partner The Franchising Centre will celebrate at the National Franchise Expo in Birmingham with a special reception. Autumn is a fantastic time for franchising. Franchisors are looking at their plans for the next year, and potential franchisees are more active than ever in looking for their next big opportunity. Not to mention, we all have...

The two successful children apparel chains of GPE Group, DU PAREIL… AU MEME and SERGENT MAJOR have found a multi-franchisee for ITALY with the help of Franchise Pool International. Two DU PAREIL AU MEME and further three SERGENT MAJOR stores are expected to open in Italy within 2022. In 2023, Italy will be the priority target country for the i...

CITY CALENDAR, a franchise success story already in Northern Europe has found its first master franchisee for Germany with the help of Franchise Pool International. The first German City Calendar master franchisee will start to operate this year in the Southwestern region of Germany. The pilot project is a Christmas calendar for the State of Saarla...

The leading kids educational franchise concept for coding and digital literacy signed 2 more regional master franchisees for Germany with the help of Franchise Pool International. Logiscool started with a master franchisee in Northern Germany in the Hamburg region. It signed now the 2 new regional master franchises for the Eastern and the Southern ...

​Jacqueline Bechold, Franchise Pool International Portugal,
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On April 19 & 20 Franchise Pool International's representative in Portugal will be at the Feira de Franchising de Lisboa in Lisbon, Portugal. The 25th edition of the Franchise EXPO will be held at Pavilhao Carlos Lopes right in the heart of Lisbon. Portuguese franchisors interested in expanding internationally across Europe and beyond will talk...

​Jacqueline Bechold, Franchise Pool International Portugal,
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Franchise Pool International expands its broker network to Portugal with a new associate in Lisbon. FPI starts international franchise brokerage in Portugal with German-born and Lisbon-based Jacqueline Bechold. Jacky started her career at one of Germany's leading franchise law firms supporting franchisor clients before she moved to Portugal. Living...

Franchise Pool International expands its existing presence with franchise specialist Johannes Jungblut, founder of the leading franchise consultancy Institute of Entrepreneurship (IoE). Due to increasing demand, FPI expands its presence in Austria with the well-respected Institute of Entrepreneurship, key players in Austrian franchise consultancy a...

The leading franchise system for stone & tile care, Finalit, found the next master franchisee with the help of Franchise Pool International. Active in 22 countries, Finalit is an Austrian-based producer and franchise system for stone & tile care, offering both the products for stone cleaning, impregnation and maintenance and the associated ...

Signal, the world's leading security franchise company has entered into a first master franchise partnership in Germany. Signal was founded in 2003 as Signal88 and is meanwhile the eighth largest security company in North America with over 700 franchise outlets, operating internationally already in the UK, Canada and Australia. The new German regio...

Franchise Pool International successfully combined its website relaunch with its WWF fundraiser Franchise Zoo®. Thanks to the Franchise Zoo® fundraising campaign the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) can enjoy donations from Franchise Pool International. From September to the end of 2021, FPI partners from Europe and North America donated over 1,500 US dol...

Am 11. April 2022 bietet FPI Germany die Möglichkeit, via Zoom persönlich mit den Vertretern von über 10 internationalen Restaurantkonzepten zu sprechen, die an einem Markteintritt in die DACH Region interessiert sind. Termine können ganztags vereinbart werden und Sie erfahren sofort mehr über die Marken, die Sie interessieren. Folgende Konzep...

Master-Franchisenehmer für Deutschland gesucht! Seit dem Start im Jahr 2017 hat City Calendar erfolgreich ein einzigartiges Marketinginstrument entwickelt. Das Geheimnis ist ein innovativer Weg, um einen Mehrwert für Käufer, Geschäftspartner und lokale Gemeinschaften zu schaffen - durch die Magie von Adventskalendern! City Calendar hat ein beeindru...

CKE, die Muttergesellschaft von Carl's Jr. und Hardee's, hat sich mit fast 4.000 Restaurants auf der ganzen Welt zu einem globalen Kraftpaket für Burger entwickelt. Unsere Marken beschleunigen das Wachstum, indem sie unsere Kernwerte und Attribute betonen: QUALITÄTSLEBENSMITTEL und GROSSER SERVICE mit dem WERT und dem KOMFORT eines QSR. ... mehr In...

Wussten Sie, dass die ersten Kalender bereits seit 3000 Jahre vor Christus durch die Stummerer in Mesopotamien entstanden sind? Die ersten Adventskalender sind seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bekannt und der erste selbstgebastelte stammt vermutlich aus dem Jahr 1851. Heute wird die Geschichte des Kalenders in ganz Europa durch das Franchisesystem „City Ca...

Der Franchise Pool International, oder kurz FPI, wurde vor über 15 Jahren als Deutschlands erstes spezialisiertes Beratungsunternehmen für internationales Franchising gegründet. Nun sorgt ein neuer Markenauftritt für frischen Wind. Unter www.franchiseinternational.net wurde zudem die neue FPI-Homepage gelauncht: „Mit unserem modernen und frischen A...